
If it's your first time visiting Geek Mode and you'd like to know what you've stumbled on, you've now reached the perfect place to learn about information we deem essential. Just read the rest of this message.

What's Geek Mode?
Geek Mode is a site/blog primarily featuring reviews and opinions about games, graphic novels, movies, television series and electronic music. We don't limit ourselves to current releases, not saying we don't talk about them, but things from the past mean a lot to us, even more sometimes. We also have a webcomic published regularly (about 1 each week in French, translation later). From time to time a miscellaneous article is written having nothing to do with the broad categories mentioned above, but these categories remain our priority. To learn about our general way of evaluating video games, consult our evaluation grid for video games.

Who are we?
We are a group of friends in their early 20s, we've known each other for quite a while and we all share a passion for technology and the various forms of entertainment derived from it. Solo created the site (in French); with Bob's collaboration who also does some maintenance work. Bob also started the English version on which he translates articles from the French version (all articles seen on this English version are translated some time later after being written in French). From time to time, there's also Mic who contributes articles about products that recently left an impression on him. We dedicate this site to geeks, because being geek is not an insult, it's a privilege.

How to contact us?
If you have an opinion to state about an article, we suggest you leave a comment at the appropriate place, but you can always contact us at geekmodeblog@gmail.com and we'll be glad to reply. We invite you to suggest a video game review. You can see our collection of original video games (that is to say, those who are not backups) on Solo and Bob's profiles at VG Chartz.com, which could give you an idea, but suggest the game (or anything else) that you want, because we don't limit ourselves.

Our goal?
With our articles, we hope you'll find the best (and the worst) that each category mentioned above can give, by giving you our opinion which is, like yours, made from the point of view of regular customers, not by a big corporation which could be biased and corrupted. We invited you strongly to leave comments on articles, saying if you agree or not and if you have something to add, because this can help readers to take a position, but be as constructive as possible. One of the added goals we want to reach, via the various reviews and suggestions that will be posted, is to find hidden gems, meaning the excellent products that never reached an important level of recognition. On the other hand, some things get so much hype which we find out they didn't deserve at all once they're released. We're here to talk about those things when they happen.

On that, we say goodbye and good reading!

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